For We Are Many
For We Are Many
"Birth of a Revolutionary" with Kwame Shakur

The FWAM staff sits down with Kwame Shakur, Minister of Culture of the New Afrikan Black Panther Party, to discuss his new book “My Search For Answers, Truth, and Meaning: An Autobiography of Kwame Shakur”

We discuss his journey of life, including his reading of an excerpt that’s one of the moments of transformation in this journey. 

Kwame is doing a Reading Group with the North Alabama School of Organizing:

    Two weekly sessions: Monday at 7PM Eastern

                              Thursday at 7PM Eastern

    Join Zoom Meeting…

Meeting ID: 873 0796 5950

Passcode: 947932

Find your local (dial in) number:

Donations to the Hasan Shakur Community Center can be sent on CashApp to $PantherLove2005

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Workers of the World, Unite!

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