With so much having happened in the past couple of months, it can be easy to miss things. That’s why we’re building this “update” so it’s easier to find. Of course, our most recent was our Hurricane Ida Special. We’ll be working backwards from there, also make sure to let us know if you know of any additional Mutual Aid groups mobilized to help recovery efforts. We will certainly make a site post for mass distribution that’s more comprehensive than the one we have now.

This storm damaged a MASSIVE swath of the US, and the death toll continues to rise. Let’s stand in Solidarity and try to get these people the help they NEED!

Visit https://forwearemany.org/2021/09/01/current-events-stream-31-august-2021-hurricane-ida-special/ for the list of mobilized organizations we’ve already compiled in the Louisiana area!

This is the episode following the events of that week in Haiti and Cuba! Hands off Cuba!

Make sure to share with your friends and in groups, make sure to subscribe to our social media channels, and check this website often for updates! Solidarity!

PS: I also realized while compiling this that there’s an episode missing from YouTube and an episode missing from the Podcast platforms. I apologize for this, what we do is difficult with such a small staff and sometimes it’s easy to overlook things. We’ll attempt to be better about this in the future, and if you’d like to help us in any way, we’re open to accepting help in running the pages and website, as well as research, writing, planning, promoting, etc.

Workers of the World, Unite!

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