Please take the time to copy this, put the Rep’s name, and your name at the bottom, to make our stance clear!
Hands Off Cuba!

“Mr. President (or Senator/Rep __):

Regarding the situation in Cuba, I believe the best way to “stand with the Cuban people” is to NOT intervene militarily, including air strikes. This would likely promote further instability on an already suffering island nation.

If the goal is really helping the Cuban people, bring an end to the embargo and sanctions that have been strangulating the Cuban economy for 60 years. These measures are causing hunger and the lack of resources the people are protesting about.

It’s not our role or place to be the world’s police.

For the past three years, the UN overwhelmingly called for an end to the sanctions. It’s time to listen to the rest of the world, and truly stand with the global community.

(Name here)”

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